The Danish Cattle Research Centre (DKC) belongs under the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University and functions as both a farm and a place of research.
A number of research projects are carried out here in close cooperation with the scientists at the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences as well as scientists from other departments and knowledge institutions.
DKC-Burrehøjvej is a high tech cattle farm with 240 Holstein dairy cows plus calves. There are loose housing barns with cubicles and protective barn facilities, milking barn (2x12 "side by side" with mechanical room in the basement), computerized feeding trough, flex barn and an intensive barn with four climate chambers. Read more about DKC's research facilities...
The Danish Cattle Research Centre (DKC) is an organizational merger of the former Danish Cattle Research Center (KFC) and the cattle research facilities at AU-Foulum. KFC was established in 2000 by the Danish farmers organizations. The centre belongs to Aarhus University, that is responsible for the management and development of the centre.
If you want further information about the facilities and possibilities of research and development cooperation please contact the center manager Jens Bech Andersen.