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Last year, a researcher from Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at Aarhus University secured third place in a photo competition with the…
DTU and AU will collaborate to produce amino acids for organic pigs and poultry. If successful, according to the researchers behind the new project,…
It is possible to lower the amount of zinc in fattening pigs' feed to a level lower than currently permitted. This would be beneficial for both the…
The event is a great opportunity for companies involved in any stage along the agricultural value chain, from biomass production and livestock…
Organic sows excrete much more phosphorus than conventional sows. This is partly because their roughage intake is not considered when formulating…
Haja Kadarmideen was appointed as a professor of Systems biology and Bioinformatics at the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences on January…
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The aim of the course is to introduce the students to gastrointestinal ecology (nutrition, immunology, microbiology, host-pathogen interactions,…
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