Aarhus University Seal

Practical information

During your work on your bachelor's or master's project, you will be affiliated with a research group.

Please note that the Department of Animal Science and Veterinary Science is located at AU Viborg, which is about an hour’s drive from Campus Aarhus.

  • There are housing options at AU Viborg, Research Centre Foulum, and in Viborg, which is close by.
  • There are regular bus connections between Viborg and AU Viborg, Research Centre Foulum. Find information about buses via the link here.
  • You can find maps of AU’s buildings -> here.  

    If you are an international student, looking for exchange possibilities at Aarhus University, you will find more information about exchange possibilities and services to international students at the following pages:

Exchange and study abroad at Aarhus Univeristy
International Centre at Aarhus Univerisity

Head of educations

Ricarda Margarete Engberg

Associate Professor Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET Gut and host health (GHH)