Aarhus University Seal

Ruminant Nutrition

What we do

We develop science-based solutions promoting effective and sustainable ruminant production and thereby supporting the green transition of agriculture in Denmark and internationally. This is done by developing and optimising nutritional and management strategies that fulfil the ruminant animal´s nutrient requirements, secure a resource efficient production taking environmental and climate aspects into account, and improve product quality, feed safety, and animal health and welfare.

We conduct state of the art teaching within ruminant nutrition and physiology from BSc to Post.doc level.

We provide public authorities with research-based state of the art advice on feed evaluation and safety, nutrition, metabolism, physiology, and production with respect to environmental and climate aspects of ruminant production systems.

We base our teaching and public advice on research conducted in world class research facilities.

We disseminate our knowledge broadly for the benefit of society, industry and other stakeholders.

Our primary focus areas

  • Develop sustainable dairy and beef production systems
  • Quantify nutrient requirements in relation to the animals' various physiological stages
  • Develop methods and systems for feed evaluation
  • Develop novel feed additives and strategies to mitigate emission of methane and other greenhouse gasses
  • Provide feeding strategies to optimize nutrient efficiency and reduce environmental impacts of nitrogen, ammonia, and minerals including heavy metals
  • Provide calf nutrition strategies for improving health and long-term performance
  • Improve resource utilisation and develop sustainable feedstuffs in a circular bio-economy
  • Investigate basic aspects of digestion, metabolism, and toxicology of bioactive components in feeds or feed additives
  • Provide knowledge on quantification and regulation of biological processes in tissues and organs involved in milk synthesis, growth and development
  • Identify biomarkers for metabolic and physiological status and lifetime performance
  • Prevent production diseases related to ruminant nutrition, metabolism and digestive and mammary function
  • Develop alternative experimental animal models and less invasive experimental procedures
  • Model biological and production processes
  • Provide sustainable solutions to develop organic production
  • Utilize the gained knowledge on ruminants to optimise nutrition of other herbivore species

Head of research unit