Aarhus Universitets segl

Perspectives on Future Food Production

Danish Society of Engineers, IDA in collaboration with Department of Food Science, Aarhus University invites to conference with focus on Future Food Production.

Foto: IDA Østjylland

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 27. februar 2025,  kl. 12:15 - 18:45


Aarhus University, Build. 1630, Høegh-Guldbergsgade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C


Aarhus University, IDA Østjylland


400 DKK

As the first country in Europe, an agreement has been reached between the government and agriculture/the Agricultural Council on an initial reduction of greenhouse gasses, primarily CO2 and methane, from agriculture and the food industry. This policy will gradually impact the selection and production of, especially, animal-based foods, specifically meat production from ruminants and dairy production. From a product perspective, how should we handle this development? Which products should replace/complement traditional products? Which production methods will be used in the future? The conference focuses on the political, climate, product, market, and regulatory aspects of this complex situation.

Summary of the Event:

This conference will focus on the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change in the European food production sector. Specifically, it will delve into possible solutions in connection with this first-of-its-kind agreement between the European government and agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


IDA Østjylland in collaboration with Cell Food and Aarhus University. For further information contact Poul Tang poul.tang@m.ida.dk.

How to sign up:

Not a member of IDA? To register, you need to create a user profile: Opret brugerprofil | IDA. Please note that by creating a user profile, you gain access to IDA's online services, but you do not become a member of IDA.

Check out the programme below or download it as an Ipaper



Venue open


Registration and buffet


Welcome remarks
By Jette Feveile Young, Aarhus University and Poul Tang, IDA Østjylland.


Beyond planetary boundaries and back – Burgers of the future
By Søren Bisp, Future Farming, Strategy & Business, SEGES Innovation.


How biosolutions can help the green transition of food and help European sustainability, resilience and competitiveness
By Sofie Carsten Nielsen, Director, European Biosolutions Coalition & Danish Industry.


Refreshment - poster session


Technologies to reduce emission of methane from ruminants
By Peter Lund, professor, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University.


Precision fermentation of milk proteins and its technological quality
By Peter Ruhdal Jensen, professor, Department of Food Science, DTU and Lotte Bach Larsen, professor, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University.


Cultivated meat – production concept and quality aspects
By Jette Feveile Young, professor, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University.


Refreshment - poster session


Bioreactor design for novel food concepts production opportunities and challenges
By David Vorländer, Application Manager, New Food, GEA Group, Germany.


Cellular foods – are consumers ready? Balancing between promise and concern
By Liisa Lähteenmäki, professor, MAPP, Aarhus University.


A safety and legislation perspective on cellular foods
By Hannah Lester, CEO and Principal Consultant for ATOVA and Regulatory Expert in Novel Foods & Alternative Proteins.


Snacks/light meal with discussions of theme of the day

