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The position is within the area: Animal welfare related to feeding. Application deadline is 13 January.
Two pallets stacked on top of each other served as the podium when Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and the Mayor of Viborg Municipality, Ulrik Wilbek, today…
Head of Department, Charlotte Lauridsen, serves as the Coordinator of PIG-PARADIGM, and researchers from ANIVET are at the forefront of driving…
PigProgress: Researchers from Aarhus University, and the KU Leuven found that nutritional stress limits play behaviour performance, and negatively…
On January 1 2023, Louise Bundgaard started her new position as assistant professor at the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ANIVET) at…
Researchers from Aarhus University (AU) have validated a commercially available 3D camera system that can automatically monitor the body weight of…
Based on large scale studies using novel methods of recording pain and stress in young piglets, researchers at Aarhus University (AU) have obtained…
The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences must contribute to the establishment of important networking between Denmark and Korea/Asia in…
The research facilities at the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences have been expanded with new advanced respiration chambers for pigs. This…
Following the decision that AU Viborg - Research Centre Foulum will be hosting the three new study programmes - Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science…
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Lektor Jan Værum Nørgaard
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Monogastric nutrition
Contact info
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to gastrointestinal ecology (nutrition, immunology, microbiology, host-pathogen interactions,…
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