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As of March, 1st, 2021, Department of Animal Science has appointed Peter K. Theil professor in nutrition and lactation physiology. With this…
Each year, more than half a million Danish sows are sent for slaughter, but only limited research exists as to the welfare of these animals upon…
Three researchers from Department of Animal Science at Aarhus University are part of EFSA’s expert groups, and ensuring that the most recent…
Senior researcher Stig Purup from Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, has been assigned the renowned title as adjunct professor at…
Two researchers from Aarhus University have contributed with chapters in the new textbook The suckling and weaned piglet. Leading, international…
Being mixed with unfamiliar sows is a common practice for cull sows in the days before transport to slaughter. A new study from Department of Animal…
Aarhus University takes part in a new and ground-breaking project in the development of an effective vaccine against weaning diarrhoea in piglets. If…
Maria Eskildsen has investigated the energy- and protein intake from grazing and quantified the energy needed for maintenance, maternal retention,…
Cecilie Toft Vangsøe will have her PhD defence on 9 September 2020. It is also possible to follow the defence online. To receive a link to the event,…
At present, researchers at Aarhus University are testing a new environmentally friendly source of protein, Uniprotein, in a feeding experiment with…
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Lektor Jan Værum Nørgaard
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Monogastric nutrition
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