Gavin Leslie Simpson is employed as assistant professor at Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University
From May 15th 2021 Gavin L. Simpson has been employed as assistant professor in applied biometrics at the Department of Animal Science, section of Health, Aarhus University in a four year position.

Gavin L. Simpson is a statistician and data scientist with broad interests. He holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Environmental Geography and a Ph.D. in Geography from the Department of Geography, University College London.
He worked as a research scientist on large EU Framework Programme projects, and as a consultant working on the effects of acid rain on remote UK lakes for the UK Government Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs and on a range of other water quality and environmental problems in the UK for regulatory and responsible agencies.
“Most recently, since 2013, I was a research scientist in the Institute for Environmental Change and Society, at the University of Regina, Canada, where I had my own lab and graduate students, and in lieu of undergraduate teaching I provided advice, training, and consultancy to members of the Faculty of Science in the areas of statistics, experimental design, and computing”.
We welcome Gavin to The Department of Animal Science.