Aarhus Universitets segl

Laura Salazar


Postdoc, PhD in Developmental biology (animal behaviour and welfare)

Primær tilknytning

Laura Salazar


  • Veterinærmedicin
  • Dyrevelfærd
  • Dyres adfærd
  • Husdyr




My research is driven by my interest in improving the quality of life of animals. My research has been focused on the improvement of pig welfare in intensive commercial farming, including social behaviour, animal welfare assessment at slaughterhouses, and improving the understanding of gastric ulcers. I'm currently parcipating in two projects: SMp-FOOD-2022-PigStun and PAHW SOA9 projects.


My experience in teaching is related to animal welfare. In the past, I have prepared and delivered lectures on general concepts of animal welfare, ethics and legislation, and pig and poultry welfare; prepared examination material and organized practical lectures and activities.

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