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The role of humans in the management of organic herds. I Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture (Vaarst, M., Roderick, S., Lund, V. & Lockeretz, W., eds.), CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, UK (ISBN 0-85199-668-X), Chapter. Bind 10. 2003. s. 205-226
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Organic animal husbandry: the future challenges. I Vaarst M, Roderick S, Lund V, Lockeretz W, red., Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture: Chapter 17. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing. 2004. s. 389-404
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Challenges for animal health and welfare in the implementation of the EU legislation on organic livestock production: Analysis of questionnaire survey among SAFO participants. I Rymer C, Vaarst M, Padel S, red., Future perspectives for animal health on organic farms: main findings, conclusions and recommendations from the SAFO Network. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag - Forum Wissenschaft Hochschule. 2006. s. 43-74
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The SAFO project: Outcomes, conclusions and challenges for the future. I Rymer C, Vaarst M, Padel S, red., Future perspectives for animal health on organic farms: Main findings, conclusions and recommendations from the SAFO network. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag - Forum Wissenschaft Hochschule. 2006. s. 129-134
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Sustainable veterinary medical practices in organic farming: A global perspective. I Halberg N, Alrøe HF, Knudsen MT, Kristensen ES, red., Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. CABI Publishing. 2006. s. 241-276
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Zootecnia biologica: le sfide future. I Martini A, Ferrante V, Barbieri S, red., Salute e benessere animale in agricoltura biologica. 1 udg. Bologna: Edagricole. 2006. s. 241-249
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Muligheder for forbedringer. I Kristensen ES, Thamsborg SM, red., Sundhed, velfærd og medicinanvendelse ved omlægning til økologisk mælkeproduktion. Forskningscentret for Økologisk Jordbrug. 2000. s. 135-144. (Føjo-rapport; Nr. 6).