AU researcher presented the pig as possible pain model at world congress in Boston
At the world congress in Boston in September organised by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain in pigs as a model for humans was part of the programme for the first time. Senior researcher Mette S. Herskin from AU-Foulum was among the speakers in a workshop and a satellite symposium on the use of animal models for studies of pain.
![[Translate to English:] Ved IASPs verdenskongres mødtes svineforskere, som fokuserer på såvel grisen som produktionsdyr og grisen som dyremodel. Her Mette S. Herskin fra Aarhus Universitet, Dale Sandercock og Anna Sinclair fra Scotland's Rural College [Translate to English:] Ved IASPs verdenskongres mødtes svineforskere, som fokuserer på såvel grisen som produktionsdyr og grisen som dyremodel. Her Mette S. Herskin fra Aarhus Universitet, Dale Sandercock og Anna Sinclair fra Scotland's Rural College og Cathy Owles fra Universi](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/f/csm_boston_800_01_49b65af34c.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Mette S. Herskin fra Institut for Husdyrvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet på podiet ved verdenskongressen i Boston. [Translate to English:] Mette S. Herskin fra Institut for Husdyrvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet på podiet ved verdenskongressen i Boston.](/fileadmin/news_import/IASP_SIG.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Én af IASPs mange Special Interest Groups (SIGs) fokuserer på smerte hos dyr, og søger at integrere etologisk, veterinær og biomedicinsk dyreeksperimentel forskning. [Translate to English:] Én af IASPs mange Special Interest Groups (SIGs) fokuserer på smerte hos dyr, og søger at integrere etologisk, veterinær og biomedicinsk dyreeksperimentel forskning.](/fileadmin/news_import/Dm5uDwxXoAEUi1s.jpg)
Senior researcher Mette S. Herskin from Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University participated recently in IASP's (The International Association for the Study of Pain) world congress held in Boston on 12-16 September 2018.
Mette S. Herskin was among the speakers in a workshop and a satellite symposium on measurement of pain in animals used as models for pain in humans. The main part of this work involves rodents such as mice and rats, and thus, it was the first time that AU-Foulum and the study of pain in pigs as models for humans were on the programme at the world congress.
The presentation was supported by posters from leading universities within pig research and was part of a long-term work on integrating animal experimental research across disciplines such as ethology, veterinary science and biomedicine – a work taking place in the context of IASP's Special Interest Group for ’non-human pain’ where Mette S. Herskin is a board member.
The IASP world congress is held every second year and is a global venue for participants from more than 100 countries and across a large number of disciplines dedicated to working on improvement of the possibilities for pain relief for humans across the world.
Read more on the IASP world congress in Boston:
Additional information
Mette S. Herskin, Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University