Results from a wide range of mink studies presented in new report
The latest results from research in Danish mink production have been published in a new report from DCA – National Centre for Food and Agriculture.

Does feeding time affect stress in mink? Do ropes that mink can bite affect the frequency of tail-biting? Is it possible to avoid obesity in potential breeding animals in the autumn?
These and a series of other relevant questions regarding mink production have been dealt with by researchers from Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen and Kopenhagen Research. The results of their studies are presented in a new report from DCA - National Centre for Food and Agriculture.
The report was published in connection with the annual theme day about current research in mink production which was held at AU Foulum in September 2012. It contains results from research projects regarding behaviour, health, disease, management, breeding and nutrition.
The report (in Danish)”Temadag om aktuel minkforskning”, DCA report no.10, September 2012 can be downloaded here.
Read also Slimming strategies for mink tested and Housing mink in groups is not ideal.
For more information please contact: Senior scientist Steffen Hansen, Department of Animal Science, e-mail:, telephone