Aarhus Universitets segl


The aim of the course is to give the student knowledge on the use of animals for animal experimentation, and to provide the student with some practical experience in handling and use of experimental animals. Furthermore, to provide the PhD student with the required skills and competences, which correspond to a category AD course - EU directive 2010/63/EU

Learning outcomes and competences:


Having completed the course it is expected that the student has the following:



The student knows:

  • The legal basis for animal experimentation
  • That experimentation with animals requires current training of the personal to secure the well-being of the animals and scientific outcome
  •  The biological basis of animal experimentation
Skills and competences:


The student is able to:

  • Do handling and procedures in relevant animals used for experimentation
  • Explain basic principles on how to use animals for research
  • Apply principles of procedures on their future experiments
  • Reflect over the ethical basis for the use of animals for research