Aarhus University Seal

Conference on animal behaviour in Aarhus, Denmark

Everybody working professionally with animal husbandry within the fields of housing and management has the chance of acquiring interesting and useful knowledge in August when Aarhus University is hosting an international scientific conference with the theme "Understanding animal behaviour".

The international conference with the main theme "Understanding animal behaviour" will be held in Aarhus, Denmark, from 7-10 August 2017 with presentations by international scientists from all over the world. The conference participants can acquire knowledge on how animal behaviour may be used to improve housing, management and handling – also in connection with animal transport. There will also be presentations on how behaviour is used when assessing the welfare of animals. Presentations will explain how animals experience their surroundings, and illustrate the impact of the environment on learning and stress. Finally, presentations on parental care, social behaviour and the importance of animal-human contact are in the programme.

Thus, the scientific conference is relevant for people working with animals professionally both within research and the agricultural industry. This includes consultants and veterinarians, as well as other professions and interested parties working within fields where knowledge on animal behaviour and welfare is important.

Leading the organisation of the conference, senior researcher Margit Bak Jensen from the Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, says, "This conference is a unique chance for everybody interested in animal behaviour and welfare to attend and get a boost of new knowledge presented by the leading international experts within the field".

This conference is held within the framework of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) whose objective is to support both basic and applied research on animal behaviour, especially focusing on a better balance between animal welfare and the way animals are kept as production animals, experimental animals and pets.

ISAE2017 is supported by SEGES, Boehringer Ingelheim and Loligo Systems’

Further information and a video about the conference: www.isae2017.com.



Margit Bak Jensen, Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University

Tel.: +45 87 15 79 41

E-mail: ISAE2017@anis.au.dk