The Department of Animal Science has changed its name to the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Following the decision that AU Viborg - Research Centre Foulum will be hosting the three new study programmes - Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Agrobiology - the Department of Animal Science at Aarhus University has been busy. The reason for this is that it plays a key role in the establishment of the new study programmes. The department has now also changed its name to the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ANIVET) and implemented a reorganisation.

There was a good atmosphere in AU Foulum’s cafeteria on April 1, when Head of Department Charlotte Lauridsen welcomed all employees at the former Department of Animal Science. They were invited to celebrate the creation of a unique education campus with up to 800-900 students in Foulum – the new AU Viborg – which will be the centre for study programmes within the green transition, veterinary medicine and primary food production in Jutland.
Major changes are therefore in store for the department. Here, subject knowledge, quality and relevance are absolute keywords in the work to get ready to offer the new degree programmes:
"We're working hard to create the best possible framework for the new study programmes and the many new students who are about to have their daily activities here in Foulum. In this regard, we have a close collaboration with University of Copenhagen in the process. We are taking the opportunity to create attractive and inspiring study environments, so we can educate talented graduates who match the needs of the future within agrobiology, veterinary and animal science and help solve the challenges of the green transition" says Head of Department Charlotte Lauridsen.

New name and five new research sections
On this basis, as of July 1 2022, the department has changed its name to the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ANIVET).
In the many efforts to prepare for future new tasks, a reorganisation has also been carried out in the department, which has gone from three research sections to five strong academic units.
The five new research sections are:
- Ruminant Nutrition
- Monogastric Nutrition
- Behaviour, Stress and Welfare
- Gut and Host Health
Management and Modelling
In addition five thematic groups have been set up, which are composed on the basis of interdisciplinary topics and problems. The five thematic groups are:
- Climate, Environment and Animal-derived food
- Green & blue biomass for feed
- One Welfare
- One Health
- Digital transformation
The Department's research therefore continues to include sustainable food production; environment and climate, as well as health and welfare for animals and humans, which forms the basis for research-based and impartial public sector services and teaching.
"We have implemented the reorganisation to ensure that the department is more robust and competitive and to better integrate the new veterinary training in the research sections. The research units have also been organised in such a way that there is a good balance between research and public sector services and, not least, the significantly expanded teaching activities ahead," explains Charlotte Lauridsen.
The department already has some very strong and active research environments, which the students will have the opportunity to become part of at an early stage of their studies, and which also help to ensure that they get close to the animals from day one. "We also incorporate new learning methods, e.g. with more project-based studies and interdisciplinary courses. We have a lot to offer, so the students have something to look forward to," concludes Charlotte Lauridsen.
Facts about the new degree programmes
From 2024-26, 200 spots on the bachelor's degree programmes and an additional 190 spots on the master’s degree programmes will be established, and they will gradually be built up from 2026 onwards. The Government's establishment subsidy is DKK 252.2 million with a subsequent annual operating subsidy of DKK 54.5 million.
Read more about the new AU Viborg in the articles:
AU Viborg in Foulum to be the hub for the green transition and food production. (Please note! Programme start-up has been postponed to 2024).
Further information
Head of Department Charlotte Lauridsen, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University.